quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Meu colar favorito!

Fiz este colar rapidinho às vésperas de viajar.
Precisava de alguma coisa mais "fashion" para por na mala, e então tive essa ideia, inspirada no trabalho da amiga Mariza Bretas.
Acho que vou usar muiiitttooooo!!! 

Obrigada pela visita  :)

5 comentários:

  1. Finally!! Why has it taken you so long to create something else beautiful besides your face? The world needs many beautiful things and it is the job of artists like you to make them. Now you are on vacation??? You have much work to do!!!

    1. Thanks my dear for your words. It is exactly what I need to work better and better.
      The vacation is over now, it was amazing, but now it is time to go home to create new beautiful things :)

  2. Gracias Lola.
    I liked your blog very much, and I am following you :)
